Saturday, August 09, 2008


This is the truck we used to move. It had a picture of a giant slug-like creature on it. Kind of appropriate for the progress we made. On day one we made it about and hour from home when the alternator stopped working. We didn't even make it out of Pennsylvania. A five hour delay. You know those times you pass someone broken down along the road and you are thankful it isn't you? Well, it was us. On day two about an hour and a half into the day we blew a tire on the truck. I got very good at setting up the little orange caution triangles. The Illinois state police were even impressed. A three hour delay. By this point in the trip we had to refigure stopping points, and reschedule the house closing, and find a fax machine. The gentleman working on closing on the house in Mars needed one more signature. He suggested we find a Kinko's. Excuse me, but we are driving a 26 foot truck and towing a car on a trailer in th middle of nowhere. Hows about I just fax it from the hotel if I ever get there tonight? Still day two, we are making decent progress when a kind driver pulls up next to us and beeps his horn and gestures that there is something wrong at the back of our truck. Once more we are on the side of the road. Dave gets out to check. I stay in the cab because I don't even want to know. This time (no kidding) the bikes have fallen off the back of the car and we have been dragging them along the interstate behind the trailer. ( Alex had the presence of mind to take pictures of this. They are of course on Amanda's camera). Day three Dave forgets to reattach the cooler with the bungee cords. It does not(!) fall off and bounce along the road. Could our luck be changing? We finally make it to Wyoming. As we enter the state there is a large white robed statue along the road.
Dave: Is that Batman?
Alex: Um, Dad, I'm pretty sure it's Jesus.
It concerns me that the new pastor's first thought on seeing a large robed (he says 'caped') figure is that it might be Batman. Three days in a truck will do that to you.

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