Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Project in Progress

The dining room chairs. Sara and I recovered these many moons ago in Mars. At that time my husband assured us that the backs could not be removed so we just made slipcovers for the backs and recovered the seats. I loved this fabric. But it wore out. The chair and table and hutch remain in good condition, so I am recovering the chairs. Again. Only this time my husband found a way to remove the backs so I can recover them completely. This is a lot more work than slipcovers. It would be easier if Sara would come and help me. (Maybe she can make up for it by helping me plan my landscaping...) But I am liking the finished product. What I can't figure out is how they redo a whole room in a single day on HGTV.
Also, I dropped off an application at the bank today. They have an opening for a teller for a few hours a week. I need to get out of the house and break my addiction to HGTV. Or maybe I could use the extra money to fund my addiction...


Amanda said...

LOVE the new chairs! hey can u post a pic of the chairs that rock too?

Anastasia said...

Hey, your chairs match your blog!!
did you plan that?
will the whole house match the blog? :)
Love ya

Abi said...

I love them! the fabric is even better looking than I thought it was... Loved touring with you yesterday, sorry it ended so abruptly.