Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nothing But My Feelings

When the girls were little and would fall down, I would pick them up, brush them off and proclaim that nothing was hurt except their feelings.  As they got a little older and I got a little more secure in my parenting abilities, I could do this from across the room.  It was the my equivalent of 'rub some dirt on it'.  Once The Slovakian Princess plummetted from a pickle bucket that she used to reach the kitchen counter.  I watched her fall, heard her scream, and ran to her to see if she was conscious, gather up any teeth she had knocked out and decide if I should load her in the car and meet the ambulance half way to town.  When I couldn't find any spurting blood or protruding bones, I asked her what she had hurt.  Between sobs, she managed to gasp, "My feelings."
Last night the STP hurt my feelings.  It was to his disadvantage that it happened while I was watching my new favorite show "Parenthood".  So I decided that I would rather be married to Adam Braverman.  Who would just want to go for a walk with me.  Who would clean up my bike without being asked.  Who would certainly sit on the couch with me, especially if I ASKED HIM!!!  (Also, I should mention, that the STP did sit on the couch when I asked him. It was just that he didn't have the right attitude.)  So I went to bed mad at the STP.  The STP did not notice.  The STP went to bed exhausted, sick with a lingering head cold. This morning I woke up still upset with the STP.  The STP did not acknowledge my deep disappointment.    The STP woke up rested, in love with the world, and deeply in love with me.  He kissed me goodbye and I kissed him back.  I decided not to replace his picture in my wallet with Adam Braverman's. 

1 comment:

Brenda's Man said...

Guilty as charged, especially the "deeply in love" with my wife part. I'm sorry honey.