Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two Twentyfourths

Finished Book #2.  Mark Batterson's Wild Goose Chase.  Here are the gems from what I read tonight: 
Set God-sized goals. One reason many of us get entangled in sin is because we don't have enough God-ordained vision to keep us busy.  Lack of goals is a lack of faith.  We need to dream God-sized dreams. 
Makes me wonder how big is God-sized?  I'm thinking that buying goat cheese from the deli and not being eaten by bears are not exactly God-sized goals. I might need to rethink my list.  (Although organizing my photos may well require a miracle.)
Also, I think 'God-sized' will be the next size of drink at Starbucks.  Trenti, Venta, God-sized?

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