Friday, November 17, 2017

It's a Wonder

Didn't feel like I accomplished much today.  Feeling fat. And just not on top of things.  The STP took me out to dinner and a movie.  Because the way to cheer me up when I am feeling fat is to feed me. Went to eat Italian and see 'Wonder'.  The STP wanted to know what the movie was about.  I wasn't sure, although I had seen the trailer and several previews.  Hoped it wasn't going to be depressing.  Because I wasn't about that.  Good food.  Good movie.  Can't really tell you much more.  Because maybe you will want to see it yourself. 
Favored this evening to have someone who loves me enough to notice a funk when I'm in one and endeavor to lift me out of it.  Favored to have 'restaurant money' so I can order a stromboli.  Favored that the waiter brought me tirimisu for dessert.  On the house.  Favored to have half a stromboli in a box for lunch tomorrow.  Favored to have a husband and a son who have shared their wisdom about predictable plot twists--So I was a little prepared.  Favored to have emotions--I cried anyway.  Thankful for happy endings.

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