Thursday, November 02, 2017

Thanks Continued

Today was my Friday.  A little perturbed that I had to work 4 days in a row.  But tonight I am looking forward to a three day weekend.
So today I am thankful for waking up to snow.  And for safe travels.  The first snow is always a little tricky.  Thankful the STP had the good tires put on the Suzuki last week. 
Thankful for a drama free day at work.  Thankful for co-workers who work.  Thankful for afternoon breaks with popcorn and iced tea.  If your workplace doesn't have a popcorn machine, then I am sorry to tell you, but life is not unfair in your favor.
Thankful for a quiet evening at home.  For a husband who brined the porkchops and folded a load of clothes before I got home.  Thankful for time and money to pay the first of the month bills.  Thankful for my flannel pajamas and a fire in the pellet stove.  Thankful dog cuddles. 
Thankful for plans for a good day tomorrow. 

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