Thursday, November 09, 2017

Missing One Day and Catching Up

Yesterday I was sick.  Achy joints.  Upset stomach.  Chills.  Lethargy.  Miserably tired.  Spent the day on the couch in my pajamas. 
Where is the favor in that?
Thankful I have been sick only one day in the last forever.
Thankful my dreadful sickness lasted only 24 hours.
Thankful I did not throw up.
Thankful for a day off and a short to do list so a day on the couch was not the end of the world.
Thankful for a dog to keep me company.
Thankful for the STP who made me tea and finished the laundry.
Thankful for my flannel pajamas.
Thankful for quiet.

Today was a better day.  I felt good.  I went to work.  I ate more cheeseburger soup.  I went to AWANAs.
Thankful for the promise of eternal life.
Thankful for thoughts of heaven.
Thankful for elementary age kiddos who share their thoughts on heaven. 
Thankful for songs.
Thankful for laughter.

Today the STP had the first round of his allergy testing.  The STP is allergic to Chinese elm pollen and cockroaches.  This is good news because I will have little difficulty giving up cockroaches.  We will be giving up dairy for a month and this will be torture.  We have given up dairy before, but never for more than 6 consecutive days.  The plan now is to eat through all the dairy in the house, take a weeks vacation, and then return home to no dairy.  If it turns out the STP has to give up dairy permanently we will probably have to renegotiate out marriage agreement.  'Til death do us part?  This could be the death of me.


Amanda said...

they check for cockroaches in the first round of testing?? I would have thought they'd start with the big food-type peanut wheat dairy allergies and eventually work their way down to the obscure vermin options if none of the big ones turned out to be the problem...

Miss Brenda said...

Where is there money to be made in that approach? I think the place to have started might be to listen to your wife who suggested six months ago that you should try eliminating dairy from your diet and just see how that goes. But of course I'm not going to say that out loud.