Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bare Feet--Bear Feat

My favorite game warden brought a bear home this morning. And he called the STP and I to come take a look. (I'm thinking that trapping and processing a bear for relocation is to a game warden like finding a positive malarial smear is to a lab tech. Not your ordinary day.) So I took a few pictures to share with you. Because not everyone has a friend with a bear trap.
Something you should know about bear traps--they smell. They smell bad. They smell bad because they have to attract bears who eat garbage from dumpsters. Rotten fruit and such things high in sugar content. (The STP suggested I clean out the crisper drawer. I have a cantalope there that is just about bear bait.) After they catch the bear, they tranquilize him, tag his ear, pull a tooth, and take a rectal temp.
The bear hadn't woken up yet when I saw him. I'm thinking that when he woke up he did not know what hit him. But he will hopefully have learned his lesson: Dumpsters--bad.
One last note: the bear's back feet are much less threatening than his front ones.


Abi said...

add that one to the list... see a bear, i think this is the way to do it. :)

Abi said...
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Amanda said...

his back feet are actually kind of cute...