Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Goin' Fishin'

Headed to the mountain this afternoon for a day of fly fishing tomorrow. Bought my fishing license today. I watched "A River Runs Through It" so I know not to take a coffee can of worms. Other than that (and a can of Deep Woods Off) I'm pretty much unprepared. Wish me luck.


Amanda said...


nancyann said...

Also, remember to keep your clothes on if you are going to take a 'nap' in the afternoon sun

Abi said...

Do you have cool wader thingies? Cause it seems to be the thing to do with every fly fisher I have seen (and that's like two on commercials for male enhancement or antidepressants). Cant wait for pictures!

Miss Brenda said...

Nancyann-I packed a can of SPF 50 continuous spray sunscreen. But not much chance of a 'nap' with the boys along.