Saturday, July 04, 2009

For the Record

One of our church ladies was driving a U-haul truck over the mountain last week. After the instructions on how not to let the truck become a runaway coming down the mountain, she called her brother and told him she was going to call his cell phone and not to answer it--just let it go to voice mail. Because she wanted to record her last will and testament in case her trip didn't end well. She made it fine, but her brother is still replaying and laughing about the messages she left.
So when I am dead and they are doing a movie about my life...I want Queen Latifah to play me. And I want all of you to be played by muppets.
There. That's one less thing you have to worry about.

1 comment:

nancyann said...

I want to be a female version of Statler or Waldorf.