Friday, July 10, 2009

You Can't Get There From Here

I have been trying to try fly fishing for over a year. It is a very difficult thing to learn because no one wants to teach you. It is the perfect sport for Wyoming. A solitary sport that you really don't want to share with anyone. Because then more people will do it and you will be less alone. So our host for our trip this week is an especially gracious man. Not only did he take us to the cabin on the mountain, he also took us fly fishing. This is the view from the front porch when his alarm went off. I was already awake, just waiting to get up. Like a kid on Christmas morning. You've got to get up, you've got to get up....we're going fly fishing.
The gracious host makes breakfast on the wood cooking stove. The bacon is already fried. These are the pancakes and hashbrowns. We also had scrambled eggs. (The time on his watch is 5:40am.)

After breakfast the gracious host gasses up the ATVs and we load up lunch and fishing stuff and water and bug spray and sunscreen and snacks.
And then we head out to the fly fishing spot. And no lie--we ride the ATVs for an hour. I think the gracious host might have wanted to blindfold us so we would not be able to find his flyfishing spot ever again. No need to fear. I have a suspicion that we really just drove the long way around to discourage future fly fishing trips. This is same route they take the ATVs over when they hunt elk on the mountain. I have no desire to hunt elk if it involves making this trip IN THE WINTER.
I took a lot of pictures along the way so that if I died there would be a record of how it happened. Because there are a lot of ways to die.
You could fall off the back or side of the ATV trying to shoot pictures of the amazing scenery.

You could run into a cow which doesn't get out of the way fast enough.

You could run into a tree.

Or get bogged down in mud.

Or drive off the top of a mountain.

Or when you are headed straight down the rocky other side you could have a heart attack watching your only son roll over with the ATV in front of you.

You could plunge through a rickety bridge... into the raging water below.Or just get lost in the tall grass (Which is unusually tall this year).
Because if you follow too closely you end up eating a lot of dust. And that's a nasty way to go...

1 comment:

Minnie said...

Glad to know you survived, but did you catch any fish???