Friday, January 07, 2011


Yesterday was the day I went to the deli. 

I went right after work because I knew if I went home I would not go back out and I would put it off for another day.  It was not as scary as I had made it out to be.  I didn't have to stand in line or take a number.  A very helpful deli worker offered to help me before I even knew what I wanted.  I was frantically scanning the deli case for goat cheese.  I didn't see any goat cheese or prosciutto.
Me:  Do you have goat cheese?
Deli Girl:  Yes,  over there.   And she helpfully directed me to the goat cheese.
Me:  Do you have prosciutto?
Deli Girl:  What?
Me:  Prosciutto? (Oh no.  I was pronouncing it the only way I knew how.  Like my Italian SIL.  What if it was like Mozzarella--Mootzerell?  But since I didn't have an alternate pronunciation I pressed on...) Thin sliced ham-like meat?
DG to self:  Where is this woman from?  Has she never been to a deli counter before?  What will she do with these exotic food items?  How long till my break?
DG to Me:  Yes, over there.  Right next to the goat cheese.
Me:  Oh.  Umm, thank you.

Witness then my first purchases from the deli in Dodge City. 
Yet somehow buying prepackaged items labeled 'deli' did not seem to meet the criteria of buying something from the deli.  And I'm pretty sure my Italian SIL would not even consider this a deli.  So I fought the urge to call it a day and spoke to the Deli Girl once more.
Me:  Umm, can I have half a pound of turkey breast?
(I had no plan to buy turkey breast.  I had no plan to use turkey breast.)
Deli girl:  Sliced?
Me:  Ummm, yes?
Deli girl:  For sandwiches?
Me:  Umm? Yes! 
Of course, our gluten free existence does not really lend itself to sandwiches.  But as I did not have another plan, I welcomed the sandwich idea and just went with it.
TA DA!  Ms. Brenda conquers fear of deli counter. 

Oh, that all my goals were so easily accomplished.


nancyann said...

I am so proud of you.

Minnie said...

Was that really your first trip to the deli counter??

Amanda said...

mark and i went to the deli again today - i let him do the talking and i just waited :)

Miss Brenda said...

Just my first trip to the deli counter in 2 and half years :)

Abi said...

:) I love you.