Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Anti-Bakesale

Here is my next good idea.  The anti-bakesale as a fundraising function.  First you have a bakesale so that everyone knows how it works.  Then you have the anti-bakesale.  In which every parent and board member just donates the money that they would spend on ingredients.  And then they add in a bonus for the time they do not have to spend baking and wrapping the anti-bakesale items.  And then just a little more for the privilege of not having to clean up the kitchen and transport cupcakes.  My guess is that the anti-bakesale would be just as, if not more than, successful as the real bakesale. 
And then, for those social types who like to sit at a table and solicit donations from passersby, they can set up a table with small paper plates and empty cupcake papers.  And passersby can make donations based on the number of calories they are not consuming.  Anti-cookies would be $1.35 because you are not eating 135 calories you do not need just to support a good cause.  I'm thinking that an anti-loaf of banana nut bread might go for $15.00.  And you can run the anti-bakesale for several days in a row, or every other Monday, because anti-baked goods don't get stale or grow mold. 
Genius.  And I'm just giving this idea away for free. 


Amanda said...

this sounds like the kind of fundraiser that i could really get behind :)

Miss Brenda said...

just a note--I had to ask the STP how to spell genius. Bwa ha ha.

Prairie Mama said...

We're having a bake sale May 21st at Cody CMA along with a garage sale. Wanna come? : )