Saturday, April 02, 2011

Best Malt Shop Ever

Sometimes you need to travel with a local to find the best places.  I have been through Shoshoni multiple times.  I've spied out the fudge shop.  But I never even knew the best Malt Shop was right there. 

I think it might have been there forever.   They have enough toppings to make choosing your malt flavor an adventure in and of itself.  I chose chocolate peanut butter.  Sometimes I make really good choices.

I'm thinking that my chocolate peanut butter malt rated right up there with teaberry ice cream from the Clearfield Dairy or anything at all from the Creamery at Penn State.  A great start to ladies' retreat weekend. 
And you know we have to drive right by the malt shop on our way back home.


Brenda's Man said...

I look forward to you showing me!

Abi said...

Adding this to my list of 'things to do when visiting mom' :) I love you SO much!