Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best Mulch Shop Ever

What the STP said:  Goob, I am taking your mother to the mulch shop.
What the Goob heard:   Blah, blah, blah, malt shop
Sorry, Goob.  This is a trip to the buy mulch.  But it is almost as good as the malt shop in the degree of happy it makes me.  And it has fewer calories.
The first thing you have to do at the mulch shop is choose your flavor.  Some of the choices were Cypress, Western, and Cedar.  Bark, chips or mulch.  We chose Premium Cedar Mulch.  We actually chose it three summers ago, so the choice now is easy.  Because I'm mulching my way around the house and I want all my mulch to match. 

When you go to the mulch shop it is good to go with someone who loves you enough to load your mulch.  And it is especially nice if said someone owns a truck.  If you look just to the left of the STPs ear you can see my little brown roof.  (To the left of the STP's right ear.  Look closely.)  If you can't live across the street from a malt shop, it is good to live close to the mulch shop. 
This is the east flower bed--the before picture. 

And this is the after picture. Even though this is a new bed there are a few things already in it besides the mulch. 
There are two clumps of peonies.  A gift from the former Pastor's wife.  I know these don't look like much right now, but the promise of peonies is enough to excite my little gardening heart today.

And four clumps of hostas.  A gift from the head teller at Dodge City Federal S&L.  I like to buy perennials but I think it is a lot more fun to scavenge them.  (If you have any coralbells, hostas, lilacs, peonies, etc. that need scavenged, just give me a call.  I'll bring my own bucket and shovel.)
I also moved the garden stones to the east bed.  We made these many years ago and I moved them  in the now infamous truck across the country from my last flower beds.  I get more nostalgic about them the older  I  they get.   I've decided they deserve their own post.  Stay tuned.


Brenda's Man said...

And then today it snowed on the lovely flower bed!

Abi said...

At least your precious plants were warm and cozy under their new bed of mulch. It looks great Miss Brenda! :) Miss you guys... only like 100 more days! :)