Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's So Easy Being Green

My dad was ecology minded way before it was politically correct.  He reused, reduced, and recycled to the extreme. (That is to the extreme embarrassment of his oldest daughter.)  He used the same paper lunch bag until it was limp. He expected me to do the same.  I 'accidently' threw my lunch bag away every other day. And I determined I would not grow up to be so weird cheap eccentric environmentally friendly.
Imagine my surprise to discover how 'green' I have become. 
I have a compost pile and a rain barrel.
Our lawn mower does not have an engine.
We recycle glass, plastic, aluminum, and newspapers.
I washed my windows with microfiber cloths and a bucket of water--no chemicals.
I wash and reuse ziploc bags.
I walked to work today and sometimes we ride our bikes to get from place to place.
I say things like 'reducing my carbon footprint'.
The Goob has a reusable lunchbag and he brings it home every day.
Happy Earth Day, Dad.  I love you.

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