Saturday, April 23, 2011

Colored Eggs

Early in the week I had some question about whether we would color eggs. But we stopped into the StuffMart after our kaleidoscope appointments, and habit dictated that I get eggs and the STP picked out two egg dyeing kits. So today we hard boiled two dozen eggs and set out to color them.

 The STP chose a tie dye kit (because he is a child of the sixties) and a majestic kit (because he can't get enough of the royal wedding).  Neither kit involved vinegar or cups of hot water.  Instead we put drops of color directly onto the egg
and then put the egg in a bag
and then smooshed the color around on the egg
and repeated the process until the egg was covered.
We found the majestic egg process to be similar but it was kind of like smearing hard boiled eggs with nail polish.
Oh, wait.  That is the picture on the box.
Our majestic eggs were significantly less majestic.  (I don't think Kate or William would be impressed.)
The STP called them anemic. 
We switched back to the tie dye dyes.  The Goob attempted to make an Oscar egg, and while the egg in the bag had great potential
 the end product was more classy than hideous.
Regrettably, we forgot(!) to make any magic eggs.
It was a very calm, no mess, no drama egg dying time at our house this year.  Which makes me think that, if I had it to do over again, I might have dyed the Easter eggs after the kids were in bed or while they were in school.  Because it is much easier to dye eggs without any children in the room.
But, really, where is the magic in that?
(Totally missing my girls and hoping Grandma Mary knows how blessed she is today.)

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