Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Makes a Village--Cookie #11

Gingerbread Village--The December issue of BetterHomes and Gardens may have been the inspiration for my cookie baking this year.  Certainly this article/photo caught my attention. Determined to try this.  Because I have jars.

This was actually easier than I anticipated.

Roll and cut.

Bake.  10 minutes.  Remove from oven.  Return to oven and bake 10 minutes more.
(Note to self:  Next time read to the end of the baking instructions.)

Sprinkle and rub with powdered sugar.

Arrange in your big jar--like a cookie snowglobe for your kitchen counter.
I only made half a recipe, which was plenty to fill my jar and have a dozen little gingerbread people left over.  Especially since I didn't bake them correctly, and I don't know how edible they will be. Still and all, glad I did this.  (Wished the BGITW had been here.)

Have you noticed that the cookie pictures keep getting closer and closer as the season progresses?  That's because the rest of the house, including the counter, is getting messier and messier and it is getting harder and harder to edit out the mess.  Just saying.  I have one more cookie recipe, which will make an even dozen, and is somehow essential to finish off this year of the cookie.  I can always clean in January, right?


Amanda said...

Now I understand why people think my creativity is so impressive, and also exactly where I get it from :) love you miss you

Minnie said...

Sure wish I lived closer than maybe I would have a tray of some great-looking, delicious cookies! Miss you!

E. Lane said...

how cool :)